Friday, October 27, 2006

Guess who's still waiting...
Still no news today. I feel like there is an extremely heavy blanket covering me and I just can't get it off. The only other time in my life that I have felt this helpless was when my Mom died. It's the only other time in my life where I felt like I had absolutely no control over anything. I have complete and total faith in God's plan. He can see a much broader view of the world than I can. He knows things I couldn't possibly know. There is a reason we don't have our g&r yet. These are all things I'm certain of, and I'd much rather have God in control than me, but somehow it isn't making me feel much better right now. I think that's the Mama in me. We want to know what's going on at all times! We want specific dates, times and places. I like specifics. Why why why did I pray for patience?!?!


Rachel said...

I'm so sorry you haven't heard anything yet. It can be so difficult when God's plan does not line up with our own plans. I will continue to pray for you!

Michael said...

Hoping you hear some good news soon!

Heather said...

The previous comment is from me (Heather) - not sure why it came up with a different user name.