Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Four Months Today!!!

Olivia has been an official member of our little Munn family for 4 months now. In some ways it seems like it's been two weeks and in others it seems like years. 1/4 of a year down! I can't believe how much she has changed in that short amount of time. I was tucking her in for her nap and she asked me to sing "little star" as she calls it. Usually half way through the song she says, "WAIT!!!! ME ME!!" and she'll sing it so beautifully with her sweet, soft little voice. Of course only a few of the words are right, but it's still absolutely beautiful to this Mommy's ears. She just takes my breath away. Both of my children do. Oh my goodness. I just can't tell you what these beautiful babies mean to me. They are so so precious. God loves me SO SO SO much to give me these sweet angels. Time is flying though. They won't be my "babies" for much longer. Olivia will be 3 in just 3 short months. Jake is 4 but that 5 looming in December is awfully foreboding. I certainly want him to grow another year older, but 5 isn't a baby anymore. 5 is a big boy who will go to school next year. 5 is big enough to play league t-ball. 5 is too darn old, too darn fast. Where did the time go? My days and nights keep zooming by, but I'm loving every single minute of it. Again, I am so blessed!!!

Speaking of loving every single minute of life, Mike and I actually had a date night last week!!! That is the first time the two of us have been away from Olivia at all since she's been our daughter. She and Jake stayed with JuJu for about 3 hours while we went to El Dorado for dinner. We also went by to see our friends Mary and Bobby and their new baby boy, Landon at the hospital but he was being poked and prodded so we didn't get to see him that day. We were able to visit with our good friends though and that was nice. Mostly it was nice going out with my husband!! The nicest part of the whole evening were the quiet rides to and from El Dorado. It was so strange being in the car for 30 minutes without hearing Mommy 10,000 times from the backseat. It was strange having a conversation without being interrupted. It was also very strange eating an entire meal without having to take someone to the bathroom, cut someone's food up, or wipe up a spill. Very strange - and very wonderful! I'm also thrilled to say that Livi did GREAT at JuJu's!!! She has really taken to JuJu over the last month or so and we are so happy about that. They all went to my sister-in-law's for supper and then back to JuJu's and Livi never cried one time all night long!!! JuJu said she asked about us once but that was it. I was so proud!! I'm also excited because that means we can go out again! More importantly, it means I won't miss the first day of turkey season. I thought for sure there was no way I would get Olivia to spend the night away from us, but I think it's certainly possible now. I'm so excited!!!!!!!!!

Other excitement at our house is my new landscaping project in the front yard. I planted three new flower beds yesterday and Mike made me a beautiful new path from the driveway to the front door. It's made from cuts of cedar trunk and it's really neat looking. I'll try to get pictures posted when we're all done. It's looking really good!