Friday, February 23, 2007
Posted by Casey at 9:56 PM 4 comments
Olivia is such a GIRL!!! It's still so bizarre to have a little girl in the house. I've been surrounded by boys for so long! Even our two dogs, Deacon and Phideaux, and our cat, Crookshanks, are boys! Our house has been swallowed by pink! It's everywhere! Even though Olivia is a girly girl, she's still a girl after her Mommy's heart. She loves Hotwheels, she loves playing in the dirt and she loves being outside. She also loves pretending to hunt, which is a good thing since she'll be going hunting with me this year. Jake has been hunting since before he was born so she has a lot of catching up to do! I killed a nice 7 point buck that hangs over my computer desk when I was 8 months pregnant with Jake. He loves that the name plate says Casey & Jake Munn on it. Maybe this fall we'll have a new one to hang somewhere that says Casey & Olivia Munn. Jake has moved onto hunting with his Daddy most of the time now and he has two European deer mounts hanging on the wall in his room to show it. Jake LOVES to hunt. I can't wait for him to actually pull the trigger on his first deer, then duck, then turkey. Those will be proud moments for this Mommy. Mike once held the record for the youngest child in Arkansas to get the triple trophy award. That's a deer with a bow, a muzzleloader and a rifle all in the same season. I'm hoping Jake will be getting the triple trophy award in the next few years. I'll be equally proud if Olivia chooses to continue to hunt as well. If she doesn't, at least I'll finally have someone to shop with! She'll be awfully bored through the end of fall and winter though!
Here are a couple of pictures of Princess Olivia. Please note her earrings! She is so PROUD of her earrings! She shows them to everyone we see, even strangers. We went to Wal-Mart right after I took these pictures and even though it was dark, she insisted on wearing her sunglasses the entire time we were in the store! She's so beautiful and I wouldn't trade this girly girl for anything in the world.
Posted by Casey at 9:22 PM 3 comments
Monday, February 19, 2007
Posted by Casey at 10:39 PM 3 comments
Friday, February 16, 2007
I'm feeling old
I can blame fellow Dillon adoptive Mom, Rachel for the last ten minutes that I spent at Thanks Rachel! I feel awfully old now though.
I thought, hey I'll look at the 80's movies. That was a fun decade. Then I started looking specifically at movies made in 1987. That was 20 years ago. TWENTY years ago!!!!! That sounds like a million years to me! Ok. Get ready for the titles:
Can't Buy Me Love - This is one of my favorite movies of all time!!! I still have every word memorized. Not to mention this was the future McDreamy's debut. I even own this one on DVD!
Adventures in Babysitting - I used to watch this while I was babysitting!
Dirty Dancing - need I say more???? My best friend Jenni and I still sing the Sylvia and Mickey song.
Overboard - who doesn't love Goldie Hawn?!?!
Some Kind of Wonderful - gave us all hope for true love even when it's hiding in unsuspecting friends.
The Lost Boys - yet another of my favorite movies of all time. I love love love Keifer Sutherland and he was beyond hot with his blonde mullet :<) Ah... those were the days. I can't believe though that these movies came out TWENTY YEARS AGO!!!! If you know these movies as well as I do then you are probably feeling a little bit old now, too. Be thankful that I didn't post a list of all my favorite 80's movies! I'll give you clues to a few of them though. Enjoy reminiscing!
Bueller. Bueller.
Who ya gonna call?
Best Prince soundtrack to a movie - EVER!
Ralph Macchio (I had a poster of him next to my bed)
Yee haw!!! Jester's dead!
Freddy Krueger
Fast Times at ????????
Posted by Casey at 9:55 PM 3 comments
Tuesday, February 13, 2007
Tuesday, February 13th - the day of flowing bodily fluids
Poor Jake. He has had a terrible cough the last few days and at times he coughs so much that he throws up. Well, last night we added diarrhea to the mix and he had an accident on the way home from town last night. He also had an accident first thing this morning. So all of the sheets, etc. have now been washed. Then Olivia wakes up and is wet. This is highly unusal for her. The day goes on. Jake hasn't had any more accidents but he feels so terrible that he actually fell asleep on the living room floor. More unusal stuff. I tried to get him an appointment with the doctor (I just took him last week) and of course there are none today and his pediatrician is out the rest of the week. We can see a different one tomorrow but we have to call between 8 and 8:15 am tomorrow to get an appointment. We will probably get a 9 am appointment and we live an hour and fifteen minutes away. Fun. Regardless, I just want him to see a doctor. Then Olivia wets herself again, but this time just a little bit. Again, unusual. We all eat lunch - did I mention we have NO food in the house? I have to go shopping this afternoon. Jake had corndogs and strawberries. Not so unusual - but still weird! Olivia had rice with soy sauce. Her most favorite thing in the whole world. Mike and our friend Robby had bologna sandwiches. (I'm such a good wife! I did cook pancakes for breakfast though, so that should count for something.) I had instant mashed potatoes with ketchup. Again, not so unusual, but still weird. I bet you couldn't spell unusual in a Scrabble game. Are there 3 u's in the box? Hmmmm. Then, Olivia for whatever reason wasn't wearing clothes - she does this somewhat regularly (taking her clothes off for no reason I mean) and she peed on the living room floor. On the carpet! I was two feet away from her so it wasn't that she couldn't find me for help. She just stood there and peed on the floor. I had to call Mike to come wrangle the kids long enough for me to get the steam cleaner out and clean the carpet. UGH!!!!!!!!!!! I am either going to strangle the kids or myself. I haven't decided which yet. Anyone want to come over and eat chocolate by the pound???
Posted by Casey at 11:30 PM 4 comments
Monday, February 12, 2007
Posted by Casey at 1:41 PM 4 comments
Thursday, February 08, 2007
Your mission... if you choose to accept it:
One of my very best friends is opening a catering business. I'm so excited for her!!! She's going to be fantastic. Anyway, she's having trouble coming up with a name. I've thought of several - two of which I personally think are just right - but I thought someone else out there might have the perfect name for her new business! I won't tell my ideas just yet so as not to clog your thought processes! Let's brainstorm people! I welcome any and all suggestions!!!
Posted by Casey at 10:33 PM 1 comments
Saturday, February 03, 2007
earrings, green bean casserole & assorted ramblings
Well, I like to keep you guessing. No, there weren't earrings in the green bean casserole, but there may be soon enough because Princess Olivia had her ears pierced yesterday! Mike has been bugging me to get them pierced since we returned home from Vietnam, but I wanted to let her settle in to life at home before we put her through the trama of having holes put into her baby earlobes! Incidentally, I was two when I had mine pierced as well. Anyway, Olivia has been irritated the last several weeks because I put on earrings and she can't. She pulls on her earlobes and points to the earrings and says, "Mommy!" with her 'I want them, too' look. She's so cute! So, I relented and we took her yesterday. They did both ears at the same time and I was so glad of that. She cried for just a couple of seconds but as soon as we put her in front of the mirror and she saw her earrings, she was smiling from - well - earring to earring! She was so happy! She looks absolutely adorable. I'll get a picture of her up sometime this week with her fancy new look. Have I mentioned how cute she is?
Ok. Now for the green bean casserole. Olivia hates fruit. She also hates all varieties of milk. She is just not a healthy eater which is not something I'm accustomed to! I have a house full of fruit and veggies! Vegetables are another thing she generally dislikes. I am thrilled to report though that she LOVES green bean casserole. As she ate her THIRD helping of it yesterday, I couldn't help but think of that old Saturday morning commercial where the celery stick (or whatever it was) sings, "Don't drown your food!" Perhaps the green beans are still healthy even with mushroom soup and fried onions mixed in. At this point, I'll take what I can get.
We had dinner with part of my family tonight and it was so much fun. My Aunt Judith and Uncle Jimmie were visiting from Texas and were very excited to meet Olivia. We had dinner at my sister Cathy's. Her family was there, my sister Caren and her family and my Dad and stepmom. I am the youngest of five. I have three sisters and one brother. Oddly enough, my brother is one of my very best friends. I'm closer to him than I am any of my sisters although I certainly love all of my sisters, too. It was nice just being with some of my family. Lots of adults and 7 children under the age of 12. It's always fun when we get together. I just wish we did it more often. Life is too short not to make time for the ones that matter in your life.
Oh I nearly forgot! It snowed Thursday night!!!!!! Of course by Friday afternoon it was all gone, but we took advantage of it while we could. We all got up Friday morning, bundled up and went out to play in the snow! This was Olivia's first time to see snow and Jake hadn't seen it since he was 14 months old. He was SO excited!!! It was so much fun. Jake and I had snowball fights and he, Olivia and I attempted to make a snowman. Attempted being the key word. We rode the fourwheers all over the place and then came in for hot chocolate. I would give anything for a few days of good snow! Jake would have such a good time. He's finally old enough to really get our and play in it. Olivia is still adjusting to the cold weather much less snow! She still had fun though. I made snow ice cream Thursday night and we all enjoyed it. My Mom always made snow ice cream. She loved snow even more than I do and that's saying something! I love living in South Arkansas, but I wish we could see a bit more winter weather.
I'm done rambling now.
Posted by Casey at 11:27 PM 3 comments