Saturday, September 29, 2007

These are my very favorite pictures of Olivia. I took them by the big pond at our old house. I have them on my MySpace page and lots of my friends have mentioned them to me, so I thought I'd share them with those of you who refuse to join the world of MySpace (Mandy - I'm talking to you.) For those of you who may not know, I'm an aspiring photographer so I'm proud of these pictures. Aspiring was the key word in that last sentence. :<)


Mimi said...

Casey, I am listening to you and thank you so much for posting them here because I am not doing MySpace. You crazy kids with all your inventions!! Good grief.

Sebrina Wilson said...

She is beautiful!!!!

erinlo said...

Oh my word. Olivia is so so gorgeous, Casey, and you are an AMAZING photographer. And I just can not get over the post about the Wally World man. What an upstanding citizen of our country he is. So proud. So so proud.

Heather said...

These are wonderful pictures. It's been fun to watch Olivia grow and blossom.