Wednesday, September 06, 2006

When I was pregnant with Jake, I eventually got to a point where I was couldn't sleep at night. I've heard this is preparation for those long nights when the baby doesn't exactly "sleep like a baby." Well, apparently I've come to the same stage in my "paper pregnancy!" I am having lots of trouble sleeping and then I'm exhausted all day long. My mind is absolutely racing! I can't believe that after all this time we're actually this close to having Olivia home. I can't seem to focus on anything anymore. I just think about Jake and Olivia. I can almost see him holding her hand walking into church, him helping her up steps, him feeding her (I can only imagine what all he'll try to feed her!) They are going to be so precious together. He's so looking forward to her coming home. I'm still sick at my stomach thinking about leaving him home while we travel to Vietnam, but I still believe it's the best decision for both he and Olivia. Wow! I'm actually getting sleepy now. Perhaps blogging is a good sedative for me. I may have to post more often!