Tuesday, March 27, 2007

We were driving on a dirt road near our house this past Saturday when I spotted this sweet little puppy in the ditch. You can literally see every bone in his poor little body. I spent 10 minutes climbing through briars to get to the little fellow when I finally had to enlist Mike's help. Of course it took him all of 20 seconds to catch him. Good grief! My inability to pass by a stranded dog is not one of my better qualities in Mike's eyes, but even he couldn't argue with the fact that we had to bring this puppy home. It irritates the heck out of me that people throw puppies and dogs out that they don't want. We have an animal humane society in our county for goodness sake! Regardless, God allowed our paths to cross and we now have a new - yet to be named - doggy at our house. We've been discussing names. For now the kids are just calling him Puppy. Our friend Robby thought we should name him Spuds McKenzie for obvious reasons. I want to name him Riblet, simply because you can see all of his little ribs, but so far I'm not winning the name contest. Perhaps Jake will come up with something soon so our new pet can have a much deserved name. In the meantime, Jake and Olivia are having lots of fun playing with their new friend and even Phideaux likes him! He's a sweet little guy and we're happy to add him to our family.
Puppy cuddling!

Olivia isn't usually all that fond of dogs (especially Deacon since he outweighs her by about 75 pounds) but she loves our little puppy. Perhaps it's because she's actually bigger than he is!

How cute is he?!?!?!?!

Yep, this definitely looks like puppy love!


Rebecca said...

OK, I know you were just waiting for me to weigh in on your name choices. First of all since Reagan is taken and is the most solid name in American history. You could name him Dutch or Gipper, both nicknames of Ronald Reagan. Or you could name him Joeseph, (Joe, Joey, whatever) because his story is kind of like Joseph in the Bible, he was left stranded by someone. Whatever Y'all name him, he will be as cute as ever.

Laura said...

The puppy is cute, but he is far outshined by those precious children! Olivia just gets more beautiful every day!

Anonymous said...

Okay..."riblet" has to win the name contest! Tell Mike I'm voting for this all the way from Beirut, that has to count for something right? Anyway, it's cute and different and sounds like a "casey-ism" so it gets my vote!

he's adorable, can't wait to get back home and come meet him. :)
